
Online Bulk Image Resizer



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Drag and drop image files here or click here

Resize single or multiple images at once using our free online bulk image resizer, supporting various formats such as jpg, png, jpeg, svg, webp, and gif. Easily adjust image size for batch picture resizing.

②Customize Size

Start Resizing


Q: How to use this free online tool to resize multiple images at once?
  • Move your mouse over the dashed box at the top, and click anywhere inside it to open a file selection dialog. You can either batch-select the photos or images you want to modify or directly drag and drop images into the dashed box. This way, you can easily use the image resize for free feature.
  • Based on your needs, you can choose to scale proportionally or specify pixel values directly. If you choose to scale proportionally, enter the percentage directly; if you choose to specify pixel values, fill in the width and height in the corresponding input boxes. This makes the image resize free online process simple and user-friendly.
  • Click the Start Resizing button on the far right to generate images that meet your expectations immediately. This allows you to quickly adjust the size of multiple images.
  • Finally, click the Download All button in the top right corner to save the resized images to your device.
Q: What image formats does your tool support?
  • Our tool supports a wide range of popular image formats, including JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVB, GIF, and WebP.
  • You can easily resize many images at once using our tool, regardless of their file types. Make sure to check the file format before uploading your images to ensure compatibility with our bulk image resizing tool.